is a tropical plant belonging to the tribe lerak-lerakan or Sapindaceae, originating from the islands of Southeast Asia. The word "rambutan" comes from the shape of the fruit that has hair resembling skin.

Rambutan numerous in tropical regions such as Africa, Cambodia, the Caribbean, Central America, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Sri Lanka.
Improved varieties carried out in Indonesia and other countries until now performed by government research institutes. In Indonesia, Fruit Research Institute Solok who perform this task. Pattern improvements implemented to date is the selection of germplasm that grow in various centers of diversity in Indonesia, particularly in Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. Institutions in Malaysia who make improvements cultivar is MARDI.
Rambutan yielding varieties that have been released Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia to 2005 is1. 'Rapiah' Market Week,2. 'Bahrang' of Langkat,3. 'Lebak Bulus' Market Week,4. 'Sibatuk Ganal' If River, South Kalimantan,5. 'Nona' of Kampar, Riau,6. 'Binjai' Market Week7. 'Antalagi' from the River Suppose, South Kalimantan,8. 'Sibongkok' Luhut River, South Kalimantan,9. 'Garuda' from the River Suppose, South Kalimantan10.'Tangkue Lebak 'of the District Maja, Banten,11.'Narmada 'of the NTB,
In addition, known also some local races are also well known for terntentu purposes, such as 'Sinyonya' and 'Sitangkue' which is recommended to be used as a rootstock in the grafting.

"Little is rich in benefits", maybe that's depiction of the rambutan fruit. Almost everyone might already feel how sweet red fruit that this mini-sized. Currently more season, the fruit will be easily found or obtained alongside a road or in a variety of traditional and modern markets. Relatively affordable price, making it a favorite fruit in the various layers of Indonesian society. But you know, besides the taste is sweet and sour, fruit turned out to have a myriad of health benefits for your body. So, what are the benefits of rambutan devastating for the body ... ???

Friend, health tips. Rambutan which also has a scientific name Nephelium Laapaceum, is one of the range of various fruit - fruit that plays a major role to improve the health of your body. Rambutan fruit is easily recognizable from the shape of a small fruit with a bright red color and the presence of fibers that resemble hair meets his skin. In the discussion this time, health tips will review the various benefits rambutan related to the health sector itself.

 Health tips, following rambutan tremendous benefits to your body:
  1.     Energy boost your body. For those of you who are easily tired in various work routines, eating rambutan fruit can increase energy quickly. This is because, rambutan contains a number of carbohydrates and proteins required by your body.
  2.     Keeping Body Of Various Free Radicals. The air we breathe every second also carry harmful substances called free radicals. Rambutan fruit contains vitamin C is beneficial to maintain and protect the body from free radicals.
  3.     Effective Weight Loss. Rambutan fruit containing a source of fiber and water. Thus filling the body and makes you hungry is not easy in a relatively long time.
  4.     Anemia The Powerful antidote. Source of iron in the fruit rambutan could avoid dizziness and fatigue make someone with work activities that are so dense.
  5.     The Potent Cancer Prevention. Gallic acid contained in fruit rambutan can destroy free radicals in the body that are potentially lead to various cancers.
  6.     Body Strengthens Immune System. Copper content in the fruit rambutan huge benefit in the manufacture of white blood cells. These white blood cells that charge against a variety of viruses, germs and bacteria that are harmful to your body.
  7.     Kidney Organ Healthier. The content of phosphorus in the fruit rambutan significant role in eliminating waste terkonsentarasi organ in your kidneys.
may be useful for everything

source ; various source 

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