Gudeg (Gudheg Java language) is a typical food of Yogyakarta and Central Java which is made from young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk. It took many hours to make this dish. The brown color is usually generated by a teak leaves are cooked simultaneously. Gudeg eaten with rice and served with
thick coconut milk (areh), chicken, eggs, tofu and fried sambal krecek.

There are many variants gudeg, among others:
  1. Warm dry, that is served warm with areh thick, much thicker than the coconut milk in the desert cuisine.
  2. Warm wet, which is served warm with a dilute areh.
  3. Gudeg Solo, namely that arehnya warm white.
Ingredients and seasonings:
  1.     1 kg jackfruit young but not too young, cut into pieces
  2.     12 Btr boiled eggs (peeled if you want more pervasive marinade)
  3.     1000 cc coconut water or 1 teaspoon vinegar
  4.     10 bay leaves
  5.     8 ½ x 8cm slices galangal sliced ​​lengthwise
  6.     200 grams of brown sugar, finely sliced
  7.     2000 cc coconut milk, makes from 1 coconut
  1.     15 shallots
  2.     10 cloves of garlic
  3.     4.5 tsp coriander
  4.     salt to taste
  1. Prepare a thick bottomed pan, alaskan bay leaves in the bottom of the pot and place it slices galangal. Then insert a row young jackfruit pieces, boiled eggs, and brown sugar.
  2. Mix the spices with 500 cc coconut water or vinegar and stir until dissolved and pour into the pan.
  3. Add coconut milk and jackfruit sufficiently high extent so that the eggs become submerged. Cover the pan tightly and cook over medium heat, and do not open the lid before the first 2 hours. After 2 hours, uncovered. If the water is a little, first lift the eggs and set aside while the order is not destroyed.
  4.  Enter the coconut milk and stir with a wooden spoon while destroying pieces of jackfruit. Re-enter the egg until slightly buried in a jackfruit.
  5. Then cook again over low heat, stirring occasionally until cooked for about 3½ hours or until the coconut milk runs out and warm colored reddish brown.
  6. Pour areh / chicken curry sauce thick at the top of this jackfruit sufficiently warm when served.

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