Altitude lovers and hunters Sunrise Mandatory Climb this mountainLet us refer to some of the best references Sunrise Mountain with the following:

1. Sunrise Mount Rinjani
Mount Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia, in the natural landscape of this mountain is one of the loveliest in Indonesia, even the world, not least in view of the time Sunrise, at Sunrise scenery of the mountain is indeed very remarkable
7 Most Unique River In Indonesia - Who says Indonesia does not have a cool tourist destination that makes us feel abroad? Want to feel the sensation down the Amazon, can. Want to roam in underground cave through a river? Also can. In these places, you will feel the sensation of places abroad. Rivers anything?
Here are 7 Most Unique River in Indonesia:
1. Mahakam River in East Kalimantan
If you want to see dolphins directly, you do not need to go far to Jamaica is famous for its wild dolphins are benign. In the Mahakam River, Kutai Barat, you can watch dolphins directly.
At certain seasons, Mahakam river basin will be visited dolphin species called the dolphins.

Indonesia is a country with fertile land, endowed with so many rivers that stretches almost all the island. Indonesia is a country that consists of thousands of islands this island has more than a hundred rivers both small and large.This is the seventh longest river in Indonesia, three located in Kalimantan, Sumatra 2, 1 in Papua, and one in Java.1. Kapoeas River
Kapuas River is located on the island of Borneo, or precisely in the province of West Kalimantan. Kapuas River is the longest river in Indonesia with a length of about 1,143 km.

1. Mountains Jaya Wijaya / Punak Cartenzs (4.884m asl)
The highest mountain peak on the island is the also the highest peak in Indonesia and also entered into one of the Seven Summit on the seven continents of the world, namely Cartenzs Pyramid at an altitude of 4884 m above sea level,

Klepon or kelepon is a kind of traditional food or traditional Indonesian cake that belongs to the group of snack market. The food is made from glutinous rice flour shaped like little balls and stuffed with brown sugar and then boiled in boiling water. Klepon ripe then rolled on top of grated coconut so attached, so it seems berbalur klepon grated coconut. Klepon usually placed in containers made of banana leaves.

Aceh is one of the areas in the archipelago that Islam is characterized by multi-ethnic society. In this area there are eight sub-ethnic namely Aceh, Alas, Aneuk jame, Gayo, Kluet
Lupis is a popular traditional food in the archipelago, especially in Java. Snacks made from glutinous rice is sold in the market or sold by wheelbarrow. Lupis usually served with a sprinkling of grated coconut and palm sugar solution.
Recipes Batagor become one of typical snacks derived from the duo made from basic materials out. Actually, not only of you know many varied selection like for example the content of a meatball dumplings with meat or fish.
Otak-otak is a grilled fish cake made of ground fish meat mixed with tapioca starch and spices. It is widely known across Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, where it is traditionally served fresh, wrapped inside a banana leaf, as well as in many Asian stores
Bajigur is a traditional drink Sundanese people of West Java, Indonesia. Its main ingredients are brown sugar and coconut milk. To add to the enjoyment mixed too little ginger, salt, and vanilla powder.
Malbi goulash is special food Palembang. Malbi itself is a term for a dish that resembles a stew so many who say this dish is the beef stew. Malbi usually wear extra beef tenderloin and other spices like Tamarind. Malbi is one of the few sweet flavored foods derived from Palembang area because people who prefer spicy dishes.

Gunung Leuser National Park, commonly abbreviated TNGL is one of Nature Conservation Areas in Indonesia covering 1,094,692 hectares. The administration is located in two provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra. These forests are dominant in East Aceh, South Aceh and North Sumatra Langkat, known by the results of world-class coffee and tobacco.
Brengkes Tempoyak a Regional Recipes South Sumatra or Palembang is very well known in the area. Recipes brengkes Tempoyak Palembang we share for you lovers of cuisine Palembang / South Sumatra. Tempoyak similar to paste but made from fruit Durian. As for how to make

Tempoyak is a dish that comes from the fermented durian fruit. Tempoyak is a food that is usually consumed as a side dish when eating rice. Tempoyak also can be eaten directly, but this is rarely done because many are not resistant to the acidity and aroma of tempoyak itself. In addition, tempoyak used as a spice in cooking. is one of the foods derived from Java in the form of vegetables are boiled and mixed together, with peanut sauce or sauce of peanuts and mashed with egg slices and in general many are adding mashed potatoes that have been boiled for sauces gado gado boiled potatoes cooked together 

uduk rice is the name of a type of food made from basic materials Diaron white rice and steamed with coconut milk from grated coconut and flavored with nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, lemongrass and pepper leaves. The food is then served with fried chips, fried tofu, scrambled eggs / fried eggs that

Fried plantain snacks are mostly found in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. The food is made from bananas, after the skin peeled cut suit coat together later in thick batter made from a mixture of flour, eggs, a little salt and sugar subsequently fried in cooking oil.The fried bananas are sold in stalls often encountered tegal or coffee shop as a food supplement for tea or coffee. Currently fried plantain is a food that is very popular in Indonesia. 

Salad cingur is one of the traditional foods that are easily found in the area of ​​East Java, especially Surabaya native region. In the Java language cingur word meaning "mouth", this refers to the material or muzzle the mouth sliced ​​beef boiled and mixed into the dish. Salad cingur usually consists 
Recipes How to Make Cheese Crispy Fried Banana Specials - An Indonesian special culinary offerings that many people enjoy the taste appetizing. This cheese Fried banana we encounter many people in different markets and in the nearest shop. And with the time is now pretty much fried banana its innovation, sand fried bananas, fried bananas chocolate, bananas fried cheese, fried bananas and fried banana caramel nuggets. banana is a favorite snack for many people, who do not like fried plantains moreover served hot or warm. Usually fried banana fritters away with using powder coating on the outside which makes banana sweet crisp and tender on the inside.This time we'll share the recipe menu of fried banana different from the usual fried plantains. Yes fried bananas fried bananas wrote, fried bananas. Make no mistake, wait that is very different from the look and the taste and texture of her? Yes that is his name Fried Banana Sand. Confused? Hard dong? Certainly not because it did not mean fried bananas in the dressing sand, but that has not been fried bananas dipped in a special batter and fried.Fried bananas are bananas fried sand in the dressing with bread crumbs that will produce forms such as sand, coarse but crunchy. For those who have never eaten or even had never seen it certainly curious? Do not worry there is a scar on her recipes How to Make Crispy Fried Banana Dried Not Oily sand. Yuk directly refer to the following recipe.

The process of making soy sauce of soy-based black was not that hard and you can make yourself. How to make soy sauce as a condiment dishes typical of Indonesia requires material - material that is easily obtained. As a cooking ingredient, soy sauce can make your own at home for personal consumption or home-based business industry.the process of making soy sauceAs you know, the 
fried plantains nugget is one of the innovations of fried bananas. as its name containing the word "nugget" kombinansi fried plantains are fried bananas and nuggets. This banana is called nugget as a way to cook it is similar to cooking nuggets in general. okay we just started to cook Recipes Delicious and Savory Asem SundaneseVegetable Recipes Asem - very fresh really sure of your style of Sundanese people have certainly nyicipin. Kangen with this cuisine, but do not know how to make it then you really fit here because
Lemon or lime wedges are shrubs that produce fruit with the same name. This plant is used the fruit, which is usually round, green or yellow, has a diameter of 3-6 cm, has a sour taste and a slightly bitter, somewhat similar taste with lemon lemon.Jeruk, which is often mistakenly called as lime, used juice contents fruit to acidify foods, such as soup. 
Apart from being used as an additional Indonesian cuisine, lemon is also good for our health, among others. areas such as in Purworejo, Central Java, Ice is more familiar Cendol referred to as ice dawet, there dawet ireng but also common that the green color. But for the West Java area better known as Ice Cendol. Ice with cendol as its main ingredient is then blended with brown sugar sauce or brown chocolate is a food that has been widespread everywhere. From village to city, ranging from roadside vendors to the greatest restaurants certainly available with this one type of food. This food has a sweet taste of chocolate and has a crunchy texture. In addition, banana chocolate is also much is the common name given to the large-leaved plants giant herb extends from the tribe musaceae. Some species (Musa acuminata, M. balbisiana and M. x paradisiaca) produces fruit consumption is called the same. This fruit arranged in bunches with groups composed menjari, which is a tropical plant whose name comes from the Southeast Asia region, as well as the name of the fruit that can be eaten. The name is taken from a characteristic skin of the fruit is hard and sharp squiggly so resemble thorns. The term popular is the "king of all fruits" (King of Fruit). Durian is a