How to Make Soy Sauce

The process of making soy sauce of soy-based black was not that hard and you can make yourself. How to make soy sauce as a condiment dishes typical of Indonesia requires material - material that is easily obtained. As a cooking ingredient, soy sauce can make your own at home for personal consumption or home-based business industry.the process of making soy sauceAs you know, the
main ingredient is soy sauce manufacture black. Soybean quality is what determines its not tasty sauce made.

Why use black soybeans? Because black soybeans have a more savory flavor and has a higher resistance to drought compared to yellow soybeans.Because the manufacturing process is easy, you also can create their own sweet soy sauce with no less tasty flavor of soy sauce made in the factory.
How Can Making Soy Sauce
 =====================Materials - materials:======================
  1.     ½ kg of black soybean
  2.     4 liters of clean water
  3.     2 kg of brown sugar
  4.     Salt to taste
  5.     Garlic to taste
  6.     Hazelnut and coriander to taste
  7.     Cumin and ginger to taste
  8.     Bay leaves to taste

=====================The process of making soy sauce================

  1. Soybean thoroughly washed and then boiled with two liters of water.
  2. After the split - broken and peeling skin, down from the fire.
  3. Wash again soybeans that have been boiled with cold water and remove the skin
  4. Blend seasoning - seasoning above except bay leaves and galangal
  5. Heat 2 liters of water followed by soybeans and all the condiments included
  6. After the brown sugar crumble, down from the fire and then filtered with clean cloth
  7. The filter is called sweet soy sauce

Ways of making soy sauce is not as difficult as you think. You can make their own soy sauce to be used as an ingredient of everyday dishes.

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