
Bajigur is a traditional drink Sundanese people of West Java, Indonesia. Its main ingredients are brown sugar and coconut milk. To add to the enjoyment mixed too little ginger, salt, and vanilla powder.Drinks were served warm is usually sold together Bandrek, boiled beans, boiled potatoes, klepon, etc. in one wagon. In the presentation, sometimes coupled with a bit of back and forth (or so-called cangkaleng in Sundanese) thinly sliced. Bajigur most fit to be enjoyed times of rain or cold weather.
Along with the times, Bajigur made in the form of a powder instant live brewed using warm water, the goal that can be enjoyed practically anytime and anywhere without having to bother making Bajigur traditionally.
Bajigur material:

  1. 1 liter milk
  2.  150 grams of brown sugar (palm) finely combed
  3.  50 gr baked ginger peeled, crushed,
  4. 2 pieces of pandan leaves
  5. 5 cm cinnamon
  6. 2 teaspoons ground coffee.

How to Make Bajigur:
  1.  Boil the ingredients bajigur namely coconut milk, ginger, pandan leaves and cinnamon, stirring over low heat until fragrant
  2. Enter the brown sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved.
  3. Strain and serve warm
  4. Can be added to and fro sliced ​​boiled or sliced ​​bread cubes to add to the enjoyment.

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