
Klepon or kelepon is a kind of traditional food or traditional Indonesian cake that belongs to the group of snack market. The food is made from glutinous rice flour shaped like little balls and stuffed with brown sugar and then boiled in boiling water. Klepon ripe then rolled on top of grated coconut so attached, so it seems berbalur klepon grated coconut. Klepon usually placed in containers made of banana leaves.

In Sumatra and Malaysia, klepon called "dumplings", whereas in Java and other parts of Indonesia confectionary called Onde-onde is bebola contain rice flour dough covered with green bean sesame seeds. Mention the differences between Java and Sumatra, Malaysia is often the cause of confusion and ambiguity in interpreting dumplings. Regular Klepon sold with getuk and cenil (also called cetil) as a snack in the morning or afternoon. Klepon color is usually white or green depending on taste. To klepon with green color, should be added to the dye of leaf suji or pandan leaves.Ingredients Recipe Brown Sugar Ketan Klepon
  1.     Rice flour with good quality as much as 50 grams. We recommend using favorite brands are already quite well known so that the results are good.
  2.     Pasta Green Pandan of approximately 2 small spoon or teaspoon.
  3.     Refined glutinous rice flour 250 grams. Sifter better in advance so that it plays softer.
  4.     Red Sugar Java as much as 190 grams to 220 grams. Thinly sliced ​​thin so that later easily inserted into the cake klepon adoanan it later.
  5.     Kitchen refined iodised salt as much as a quarter of a small spoon or teaspoon.
  6.     Clean water is mature as much as 280 ml. g. Can be added or subtracted until the dough just right.
  7.     Fresh pandan leaves 1 sheet. Rinse before use.
  8.     whiting as much as a quarter of a small spoon and water 50 ml to make lime.
  9.     Half Coconut (not too old) and scarring.

How to Make Delicious Recipes Ketan Klepon
  1.     The first step makes the water chalk. Mix and set aside a quarter spoon whiting and its water. Take Air chalk as much as 2 small spoons.
  2.     Take a container for dough. Enter 250 grams of glutinous rice flour and rice flour 50 grams. Stir the ingredients until well blended.
  3.     Put 2 spoons pandan paste and lime it. Stir briefly.
  4.     Enter maturation clean water little by little, stirring into the batter of flour on top. Add in taste if the dough is still too thick and hard in shape.
  5.     Take over the dough and shape into a ball and then flat. The amount of dough simply adjusted to the size of the cake that will be created.
  6.     Take a few slices of brown sugar. put on batter flat on top and later the sphere like a ball. doing this process until the dough recep Klepon and red crazy Javanese exhausted.
  7.     Heat the water to boil over medium heat batter small. After the fire boiling, add one by one when the aforementioned shape dough into it.
  8.     Wait until the dough floating in its cooking water. Drain briefly and then prepare the steamer.
  9.     Take a medium sized container and fill with grated coconut, a quarter of a small spoon and leaves pandannya agram. Stir and mix until smooth and steamed briefly.
  10.     Take the cake klepon above and enter it into a container of grated coconut on top. Enough roll up the outer skin covered with grated coconut. Repeat this process for all the cake that will be created.
  11.     Make sure all parts of the outer skin covered klepon coconut and serve.

It was not too difficult to make the recipe right way Klepon Red Sugar Content Ketan above. In addition to more healthy, it is also appropriate snacks once for tea or coffee in the morning and evening. In addition, if not us, who else will preserve the archipelago's traditional recipes.

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