Vegetable Recipes Delicious and Savory Asem Sundanese Recipes Delicious and Savory Asem SundaneseVegetable Recipes Asem - very fresh really sure of your style of Sundanese people have certainly nyicipin. Kangen with this cuisine, but do not know how to make it then you really fit here because
this time will review the completed vegetable savory tamarind. Besides it maknyus this is definitely very healthy because it contains a variety of vegetables are good for the body. Indeed, a great many kinds, but this time we are interested to provide information from the Sundanese. The hallmark of this vegetable Sunda asem of the others is in the seasoning and rempahnya. From the lingering her just this recipe information that may be you are looking here and there.asem vegetable recipes

Materials that you prepare

  1.     4 tablespoons of sour water
  2.     4 large green chilies
  3.     1.5 liters of water
  4.     2 tablespoons peanut
  5.     3 cm galangal, crushed first
  6.     2 tablespoons fruit melinjo
  7.     75 grams of beans
  8.     1 fruit squash, peeled and cut like dice
  9.     2 pieces of sweet corn, cut in medium size
  10.     melinjo leaves 15 pieces / taste
  11.     2 bay leaves

Seasoning blend

  1.     1 teaspoon shrimp paste fuel
  2.     salt to taste
  3.     6 spring onions
  4.     combs brown sugar, 1 tablespoon
  5.     3 red peppers, the number could dikurangin according to taste
  6.     3 cloves garlic
How to make vegetable tamarind Sundanese
  1.     Boil water until boiling, then enter melinjo vegetables such as insert, corn and peanuts, boiled until tender.
  2.     Add the spice paste the above, then input also ginger and bay leaf. then bring to a boil.
  3.     The next step Add the remaining vegetables such as beans, squash, green chili and mlinjo.
  4.     Put salt, sugar, acid water mix well.
  5.     Cook until seemed to mature

Now that you've managed to make their own recipe sour vegetable savory and delicious Sundanese, was not a very easy and simple it did not take long. Serve for families because it has a taste that maknyus compared to other vegetable dishes. But if you serve every day can actually bored then try to learn a variety of other vegetables. Consider a variety of other dishes that are very typical of Indonesia namely Recipes for Chicken Soto.

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